fotka #24 / 187, počet zobrazení : 296x
..:: komentáre od návštevníkov ::..
14. 01. 2013 03:58:16 | Ahmad | Thank you all I'm still on chapter 8, but this is just about the lenogst one and is very technical, which makes it a difficult translation to make it useful for artists. I'm still having to explain a lot of physics. I hope I'm making it clear. |
14. 08. 2009 19:57:43 | Tiberian | Tak toto bola najkrajšia baba na inline. Strašná šupa. |
..:: EXIF data ::.. IMGP9252.jpg |
Model PENTAX K10D |
Exposure time 1/80 |
FNumber f/6.3 |
Exposure bias 0 |
ISO rating 400 |
Focal length 16 mm |
Focal length (on 35mm film) 24 mm |
Created 07. 08. 2009, 19:57:45 |
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