写真 #8 / 16, view count : 513x
..:: visitors comments ::..
2013年01月13日 23:47:31 | Ozhan | hi,i saw some pictures from you. good job!which lense beteewn the canon 35mm 1.4 and the canon 50mm 1.2 would you buy if you had to chose beteewn one of them?very close up shots and a nice bokeh are important to me,and maybe a nice environment, too.is the bokeh on the 35mm 1.4 as good as on the 50mm 1.2? i saw that you sold the 24-70mm 2.8. why did you? i'm new into photography and i just bought this lense. so i was curious to know and i hope i didn't do a mistake :=) are there lenses that you may sell?thank you so much.best, phil |
..:: EXIF data ::.. IMGPDL10690.jpg |
Model PENTAX *ist DL |
Exposure time 1/25 |
FNumber f/11.0 |
Exposure bias 0 |
ISO rating 200 |
Focal length 29 mm |
Focal length (on 35mm film) 43 mm |
Created 2006年12月10日, 11:12:03 |
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